Dormiciliary Care

Humane Care Services Ltd provides a range of high quality domiciliary care services. The following are few examples.

  • Assistance/help to get up, wash, shower or bath; get dressed up breakfast preparation and general preparation for the day.
  • Shopping support – alongside our client or can pick up a do the shopping bring it back unpack it and put it away (tailored to client’s specifications).
  • Food and drink preparation.
  • Ensuring a timely prompt for medication when due
  • Undertaking domestic tasks such as cleaning, laundry and ironing either on a regular basis or as needed.
  • Provision of a respite service for principle carers who need respite, as an emergency or regularly planned.
  • Companionship for planned activities, holidays or in the home
  • Help with getting ready for bed at the end of each day.
  • Help the Client to maintain contact with their family and friends
  • Accompany the Client on trips into the community
  • Assist the Client to manage their personal affairs